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The name of this organization shall be the Middleburg Community Charter School (MCCS) Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) located in Middleburg, VA. It is an independent organization composed of the parents and legal guardians of students enrolled in MCCS and the staff and educators of MCCS.



The MCCS PTO enhances and supports the educational experience of MCCS students by fostering connections between community, school, and home. The PTO aims to establish a world-class, innovative, and nurturing environment for students at MCCS by contributing time, talent, and resources.



Section a. To aid in the purchase of educational supplies or equipment;

Section b. To facilitate the communications between MCCS, the PTO, parents, and the community;

Section c. To sponsor at least three educational and three recreational events each year;

Section d. To provide volunteer opportunities for all parents and legal guardians to assist in the educational process at MCCS;

Section e. To hold monthly meetings open to the school community; 

Section f.  To participate in community events that are within the scope of the PTO mission when invited and approved by the Board.



Section a. Parents, educators, and members of the community may present proposals to the PTO Board for the development of new programs that fit the PTO mission.

Section b. The PTO shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian, non-exclusionary, non-partisan, and be solely focused on the PTO mission as stated above.

Section c. Any parent or legal guardian of a student at MCCS or a staff member of the school is automatically granted membership.

Section d. There are no mandatory dues or fees associated with the PTO membership. 



Section a. The officers of the PTO Board are: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Volunteer Coordinator, and Teacher Liaison. PTO Board officers serve a two-year term and are elected by a majority vote of the general PTO membership, except the Teacher Liaison, which is a volunteer position (see Article 6). Any position may be co-chaired by two people if job sharing is necessary to fill the positions. No officer shall hold more than one office at a time. Officers may serve for as many terms as they are elected by the general PTO membership. 

Section b. The elections for officers, not including the Teacher Liaison, is held annually on a rotating basis. The President, Secretary, and Volunteer Coordinator elected in even numbered years; the Vice President and Treasurer elected in odd numbered years. The Board will solicit nominations from the general membership in the spring with winners announced prior to the May PTO meeting. Newly elected officers will become an "officer-elect" until the last day of school. The Teacher Liaison 

Section d. If a current Board Member is unable to complete their term, the PTO Board can appoint an unopposed candidate to fill the opening. In the event that more than one person is running for an open Board position, a special election will be held.

Section e. Officers will assume their duties as of July 1 each year and serve a two-year term. 

Section f. When the President is absent from a PTO function, he/she shall appoint one of the Officers or a Committee Chair to act in his/her stead.



President: Shall preside at all PTO meetings, shall coordinate the work of other officers and chairpersons, shall be one of two approval signatures on all checks over $500, and be the communications link with the principal. If requested by the membership, the President will arrange for an audit of the PTO financials.

Vice President: Shall support the coordination and execution of any ideas and/or activities agreed upon by the PTO Board. In the absence of the President, the Vice President assumes the roles and responsibilities of the office.

Treasurer: Shall maintain the financial records for the PTO, monitors all deposits, and is the second approval signature required on all checks over $500. Responsible to provide a verbal summary of financials for each monthly meeting and coordinate those activities agreed upon at the PTO Board.

Secretary: Shall generate minutes from all meetings to be posted on the website and facilitate communication with the school community. The Secretary will also coordinate those activities agreed upon at the PTO Board meeting.

Volunteer Coordinator: Shall solicit event and activity leads for PTO functions, act as Room Parent Coordinator, coordinate Teacher Appreciation Week, create volunteers sign ups, and remind the school community of volunteer responsibilities. 

Teacher Liaison: Shall act as an adviser to the PTO and liaison between the Teachers and Staff of MCCS and the MCCS PTO. This position is voluntary and/or may be assigned by the school Principal.



Section a. PTO Meetings. Regular monthly meetings are open to the school community; normal business shall be conducted.

Section b. Special PTO Meetings. Additional meetings of the MCCS PTO may be called as needed to address concerns or issues and will be open to the school community at the discretion of the Board. 

Section c. Virtual Meetings. In the event a virtual meeting is necessary, minutes will be recorded and posted.  

Section d. Quorum. Three (3) Officers must be present at any scheduled PTO meeting and shall constitute a quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the MCCS PTO.

Section e. Voting. A majority vote of the Officers present at any meeting shall be required for all action to be taken by the MCCS PTO. In the event of a tie, the President will make the final decision.

Section f. Meeting Procedure: Meetings will include the following information:

  1. Call to Order

  2. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

  3. Treasurer’s Report

  4. Committee Reports

  5. New Business

  6. Old Business (updated by members on the meeting minutes and reviewed prior to meeting; areas that need additional discussion may be addressed at meetings)

  7. Announcements

  8. Adjourn



Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended and approved by a quorum at any PTO Board meeting.

Section 2. In the event of dissolution of the PTO, whether voluntary or by operation of law, the PTO shall, after payments of all liabilities, dispose of all assets in such a manner as is determined by the general membership and in accordance with local, state, and federal law.

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© Copyright 2024 by MCCS PTO

Contact Us

School Tel: 540-687-5048



101 N. Madison Street

Middleburg, VA 20117

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